jueves, 6 de octubre de 2016

Street art

Resultado de imagen de art
picture taken from: http://www.arlingtonmemorialhighschool.org/art-chorus-and-music.html

The history of painting goes from prehistory to the Contemporary Age

Resultado de imagen de street art
Picture taken from: http://inhabitat.com/?s=street+art

In Spain urban art, in imitation of other European countries, he was first born in the suburbs of large cities and in the towns of metropolitan areas and then spread across the rest of the country. Currently are important sources of this discipline Madrid and several municipalities of the South, Barcelona, ​​Pontevedra, Zaargoza and Cuenca area. The Aragonese city is a reference thanks to its urban culture Assault festival, which brings together artists from around the world and conducts interventions in the city.

Resultado de imagen de street art madrid centro
photo taken by: http://www.sinpasartedelaraya.com/astronaut-en-la-luna-en-malasana.html
Resultado de imagen de street art madrid centro
photo taken by: http://www.schudio.co.uk/blog/2010/madrid-street-art-for-video-game/
Urban safaris are presented as a series of guided tours of the city of Madrid in which one works or attendees urban art interventions Shows visits.
The tour is completed with information about works, authors, techniques or idiosyncrasies of operated locations and leaving space for active participation of the attendees. This Is So an open and accessible to all audiences, knowledgeable or not the Madrid street art activity: Citizens of Madrid, Spanish and foreign tourists, students of different educational levels, groups of citizens ...
Resultado de imagen de street art madrid centro impresionante
photo taken by: http://viralizzer.com/panel/613575/news/new_street_art_by_xav_in_madrid_art_mural_graffiti_streetart
Resultado de imagen de street art madrid centro impresionante
photo taken by: https://codigovisual.wordpress.com/2012/09/18/50-ejemplos-de-street-art/

Urban art begins with spray paint, it is the way where you can find greater diversity of styles and aesthetic pursuits by artists of the movement. But also on stickers and posters, it is where we can see the evolution of this street art. Urban art a type of human manifestation, in order to publicize their concerns either by society, to assert their rights, to mark their territory and for many other things.

Resultado de imagen de street art madrid centro impresionante

photo taken by: http://www.mag-adagio.com/top-46-oeuvres-street-art-au-coeur-villes-1600/

Resultado de imagen de street art madrid centro impresionante

photo taken by: http://lacriaturacreativa.com/category/diseno/street-art/

Resultado de imagen de street art madrid centro impresionante

photo taken by: http://decoracion.trendencias.com/tag/street-art

Resultado de imagen de street art madrid centro impresionante

photo taken by: https://www.template.net/design-templates/3d/3d-street-art-paintings/

Resultado de imagen de street art impresionante

photo taken by:https://www.buzzfeed.com/ariellecalderon/mind-bending-works-of-3d-street-art?utm_term=.smXQBM2QR#.tf57yV679

Resultado de imagen de street art mexico

photo taken by:http://blog.lailavidal.com/tag/street-art-mexico/

Resultado de imagen de street art impresionantes

photo taken by:https://www.taringa.net/post/imagenes/18686048/20-Piezas-de-arte-callejero-impresionantes.html

Resultado de imagen de street art impresionantes y enormes

photo taken by:https://www.google.es/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=rA39V7uiHYzY8gflg4HIDA&gws_rd=ssl

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