

Ilustración con logotipos de redes sociales online

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In the social networks, you need to be carefull with your identidy, with the photos you published and with the other persons that see your photos. They can control you.
You can´t published the years, identidy, personal photos, passwords or your phone number.

Some people want to know your indentidy for economic interest. They can steal you money for buy services or goods of some lands or factories. 

If you don´t use the camera all time is better to cover it with a sticker.
To have more protection tou can install an anti-virus to protect better your movile, tablet or computer.


Resultado de imagen de ciberbullying

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To avoid ciberbullying, you can´t accept all persons in the internet, only your friends.

If someone is suffering with this, and you know, you HAVE to tell an adult, a teacher or other adult person you know.

Avoid talk with a unknown person in the internet. Some person talk with childs saying that they have the same years, but one person can be 40 years old. Is very important avoid this tipe of persons.

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